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State preschool in a mixed delivery system: Lessons from five states


As states expand access to public preschool, most do so in a mixed delivery system, meaning that state funding supports programs offered in local education agencies (LEAs) as well as non-LEA providers such as Head Start agencies, child care centers, and other settings. States face many decisions when it comes to administering programs and supporting quality instruction. This brief looks at the ways five states have approached these decisions while offering high-quality preschool at scale. While they have several commonalities, each state has also taken a unique approach, showing that there are several ways to structure a high-quality mixed delivery system. The brief concludes with recommendations for state policy. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Fact Sheets & Briefs
United States
State(s)/Territories/Tribal Nation(s):
Alabama; Michigan; New Jersey; New York; West Virginia

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