Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Concurrent predictors of science core knowledge in preschool


The current study examined possible concurrent predictors of science core knowledge, including EF, literacy, vocabulary, math, and math language. Thus, this study was guided by the following research questions: 1) Are children’s EF, vocabulary, literacy, math, and math language skills in preschool concurrently predictive of their science core knowledge? and if they are related, 2) Do the domains remain predictive of science core knowledge when included in the same model? Given prior theoretical and/or empirical evidence that each of these domains are related to children’s science skills, it was hypothesized that math, vocabulary, literacy, math language, and EF would account for unique variance in science knowledge when their relations with science were explored individually and when all of these domains were included in the same model. (author abstract)

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Reports & Papers
United States

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