Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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An initial investigation of the CIRCLE Infant-Toddler Teacher Training for toddler teachers


This pilot study conducted an initial evaluation of the Center for Improving the Readiness of Children for Learning and Education (CIRCLE) Infant-Toddler Teacher Training program. The program is unique in three ways: 1) use of an online platform with courses that explain social-emotional, language, and literacy development in young children (infants and toddlers) and teaching strategies to support development across these areas; 2) use of child progress monitoring measures (milestones checklists) to identify children who need additional support; and 3) use of remote coaching to support toddler teachers’ professional learning within the program. The purpose of the pilot study was to examine the impact of the CIRCLE Infant-Toddler Teacher Training on the quality of toddler teachers’ instruction and interactions with toddlers and toddlers’ language and social-emotional/behavioral skills. In this study, we utilized a randomized control design, with 38 toddler teachers and 229 toddlers (ages 24–36 months) participating in the pilot study. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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