Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Learning behaviors mediate associations between parent-reported peer play skills and literacy and mathematics skills for low-income preschool children


Peer play interactions are important contexts for supporting early learning both at home and at school for preschool children from low-income backgrounds. The current study used structural equation modeling to examine whether teacher-reported learning behaviors in the classroom mediated the relationship between parent-reported peer play skills in the home and direct assessments of language, literacy, and mathematics skills in a diverse sample of 680 Head Start preschoolers across 53 classrooms. Disconnected and disruptive play skills in the home were negatively associated with learning behaviors and language/literacy and mathematics skills. Additionally, learning behaviors mediated the relationship between disruptive play skills in the home and academic skills. Practice or Policy: Implications for strengthening parent teacher partnerships and program-wide interventions are discussed. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States

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