Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Evaluation of Alameda County Behavioral Health Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation standards of practice training and technical assistance pilot


The goal for this study was to pilot an evaluation that met several objectives: 1) to determine whether the delivery of training and technical assistance for ACBH’s EMCHC Standards of Practice met its stated objectives; 2) to inform Alameda County ACBH’s technical assistance and Standards of Practice in terms of ongoing design and implementation; 3) to add to the field of literature on effective strategies for infant and early childhood mental health consultation; and 4) to provide findings that could guide Alameda County and other communities’ and states’ efforts to build a comprehensive system of ECMHC standards in order to align multiple EMCHC grantees and impact the system in a more coordinated fashion. Specific research questions are as follows: 1) Was there growth on key outcomes after mental health consultants implemented infrastructure components as detailed in the ECMHC Standards of Practice? 2) How did participants rate and reflect on their experiences with the ECMHC Standards of Practice implementation? (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States
State(s)/Territories/Tribal Nation(s):

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