Child Care and Early Education Research Connections

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Identifying the needs of prekindergarten children: A focus on health, wellbeing, and family environment


The impact of children’s health, wellbeing, and family environment on their learning and development is evident. Identifying the needs of children and their families is the first step to effectively developing and implementing programs that promote child development. This research employed a convergent mixed methods design and incorporated multiple data collection and analysis techniques to explore the needs of prekindergarten children related to their health, wellbeing, and family environment. A large-scale survey, regional meetings, and focus groups were conducted among a total of 4615 parents/caregivers, organizational representatives, and community members in the state of South Carolina, in the United States. Understanding child development, getting services for children and families, making childcare accessible and affordable, having enough family time, building strong relationships with children, and community support for families were identified as priorities. Parents/caregivers of different socio-demographic backgrounds prioritized different needs. (author abstract)

Resource Type:
Reports & Papers
United States
State(s)/Territories/Tribal Nation(s):
South Carolina

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